Explaining the Personality Characteristics and the Brand Equity of Sport Apparel

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Sports Management, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



< p >The research method was a combination of research that was done in two stages, qualitative and quantitative. The statistical population of this research in the qualitative part of specialists, experts as well as sales managers and sellers of 5 domestic sportswear brands (Daei, Jamehpoosh Ara, Taban, Darfash Iran and Mostafa) and in the quantitative part were customers of sportswear brands which due to unknown reasons Accurate number of customers, a statistical sample based on Morgan table for an unknown population size, 384 people and selected by simple random sampling. The results showed that the dimensions of brand personality from the perspective of experts, as well as sales managers and sellers of sportswear brands are: attractiveness, originality, trust, creativity and innovation, competence and expertise. Perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association and brand loyalty were also identified as the main dimensions of brand equity. The results of structural equation modeling also showed that only brand originality with a regression coefficient of 0.258 and a critical ratio of 2.37 has a significant positive effect on brand equity. Therefore, it can be said that brand originality can play an effective role as a tangible asset in creating brand equity and a strategic tool.


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