Segmentation of football team spectator participation levels based on the Continuous Psychological Model (PCM)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Sports Management, Education District 18 Tehran, Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The present study is a descriptive method that has been conducted in the field. 760 men aged 18 to 65 years watching the football matches of Persepolis and Esteghlal teams in the Premier League randomly and voluntarily completed the participation measurement scale (Beaton, Funk, Alexandris, 2009). Findings based on the dimensions of participation (pleasure, Centrality and badge) and in the form of a continuous psychological model, showed that in Esteghlal and Persepolis football teams, the lowest and highest levels of participation are related to the levels of loyalty (17.2%) and attractiveness (32.2%), respectively. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the multidimensional participation model is a useful tool for segmenting the audience into different theoretical stages, so event managers can design the appropriate marketing strategies to meet the needs and wants of each segment and move along. Facilitate the chain towards loyalty The overall result of the research shows that the psychological continuum model can be used as a criterion for segmenting sports spectators to guide sports researchers and marketers to design targeted marketing strategies.


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