Analysis the content of online sales sites of sports products

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student of sport management department, Payame Noor University,, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member of sport management group of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 A faculty member of sport management department, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was analysis the content of online sales sites of sports products. The research method was descriptive by content analysis and applied purpose. The research community included all sites introduced in the Google search engine called sports stores. Due to the infinity and lack of access to all these stores, the analysis sample including the first 50 sites introduced in the Google search engine was selected. View of experts used to assess the validity of coding sheet and the reliability was evaluated and confirmed by P-Scott coefficient method that is approved by 0.84. Finally, the analysis of research data in the form of the descriptive section with frequency measurement indices and inferential section, chi-square test used. The general results of the research showed that between stores in the fields of store type, method of payment for goods, site SEO, price presentation, and methods. There is a significant difference in incentives to buy, but no significant differences were observed between the characteristics of the images used, the characters involved, the elements of comparison with similar goods, the way goods are presented, and the geographical scope covered. Finally, it can be concluded that the content of online stores selling sports goods has higher capabilities than sports equipment stores.


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