The Role of Ethical Behavior of Sports Store Employees in Consumer Immediate Purchasing Behavior: Mediated by Trust and Positive Emotional Response

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor. Faculty of Social Sciences. Mohaghegh Aradabili University. Ardabil. Iran

2 Ph.D Student in Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences. Mohaghegh Aradabili University. Ardabil. Iran.


Today, ethical behavior and concepts are considered as one of the most important drivers of sales and establishing long-term relationships between companies and customers, especially companies that produce and sell sports products. Accordingly, in the present study, the role of ethical behavior of sports store employees in the immediate buying behavior of consumers was mediated by trust and positive emotional response among consumers of sports goods of Majid brand. The present study was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-correlation method with emphasis on structural equations. The statistical population of the study consisted of consumers of Majid sports goods. Sampling method was based on random sampling, according to which the questionnaire was distributed electronically among consumers of Majid sports goods, and finally 150 questionnaires were completed and returned Data were collected based on the standard questionnaire of eight questions of ethical behavior of sellers, eight questions of trust, four questions of positive emotional response and four questions of instant purchase. For external evaluation of the model, the combined reliability, Cronbach's alpha and convergent validity were examined and also according to Fronel and Locker criteria, the divergent validity of the model was examined which was satisfied in all criteria. Hypothesis analysis was performed using PLS software. The results showed that all research hypotheses were confirmed and the variable of ethical behavior of sellers, both directly and through the mediation of trust and a positive emotional response, has a positive and significant effect on the immediate buying behavior of consumers. According to the obtained results, it can be acknowledged that developing ethical criteria for sellers of sports goods and encouraging them to follow those criteria to create more trust and positive emotional reaction among consumers to succeed in persuading customers to make more immediate purchases, is important and It is considered necessary.


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