Designing a model for attracting and involving people to sports tourism (Factors, challenges and strategies)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Sports Management, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.

2 PhD student in Sports Management, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.

3 Instructor of Guilan University, Rasht, Iran.

4 Sport management, Shahrood university of technology, Shahrood, Iran


Introduction: Changes in modern society such as increasing use of cars in transportation, use of new technologies, electronic media and computer games have led to a greater focus on physical activity to increase health (Mathisen et al.) al, 2019). At the international level, sport has become a part of the daily life of each individual in various political, cultural, economic, organizational, social and interpersonal relationships, and the power of sport goes beyond its symbolic role (Niazi, 2009). Participation in sports tourism, like any other system, requires the development of macro goals, strategies and operational plans so that while being aware of the direction of movement, it can avoid any rework, misguidance and waste of its financial, human, physical and information resources. Avoid (Javadipou & Sami Nia, 2013). On the other hand, the problem of low indicators of health and social vitality is one of the challenges of the country, which is always the concern of the government of men and social experts and is always one of the main axes in the macro-socio-cultural policy of the country. The main area in creating a healthy and vibrant society is paying attention to active lifestyles and rich leisure, among which sports participation plays a key role due to its high economic efficiency and dynamic and sustainable functions (Shahbazi et al, 2013). Sport is associated with social welfare, and increasing physical activity for different classes and groups, especially disadvantaged groups, is currently the main goal of many governments (Storr, Nicolas & Davices, 2021). Apart from improving physical health, sports and recreational activities will improve one's relationships with oneself, people's social relationships in groups, and reduce their depressive symptoms (Tsuji et al, 2020). The level of participation of individuals in different levels of sports affects the goals and policies of sports organizations, and identifying the levels of participation in sports helps to form sports organizations and associations appropriate to each level. In addition, it is useful in prioritizing the goals of sports programs (Turan, 2020). Methodology: The research method was qualitative with a systematic exploratory approach (glazer). The statistical population consisted of two sections, human resources (managers, analysts and professors) and information resources (scientific, documentary and library resources on sports tourism). The statistical sample was selected in a purposeful and accessible manner and polled. Research tools included library study and semi-structured exploratory interview. In theoretical and purposeful sampling, the researcher tries to selectively select the sample based on what specific information is needed. In this study, the basis for sample selection was that individuals and selected information could help to form the theory and reproducibility of the findings. Simultaneously with data collection, their analysis work began in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. After extracting the codes, they are classified; Continuous comparisons reveal differences and similarities between these codes; Classes are separated or merged to form a theory in the process. Existing sources and texts are also used in the process of completing the theory. The data collection work continued until the researcher made sure that the continuation of the work did not add anything new to his knowledge. After conducting 52 interviews over a period of six months, the data analysis showed that no new data was added to the previous data; because a high percentage of the data extracted from recent interviews was repetitive. Therefore, the interviews were terminated due to theoretical saturation. Coding was performed using previous studies and the opinion of several researchers. The research model was drawn based on the identified relationships as a conceptual framework. Coding was done in three stages of first coding (open), second coding (selective) and third coding (thematic) to make the categories into components, then dimensions and finally the main factors in the conceptual model. Findings: The final conceptual framework consisted of 100 components, 22 dimensions, and 6 levels identified, and about 70% of the categories had a frequency of 5 or more. The six levels of the model include personal level, contextual level, organizational level, participation level, service level and outcome level, which have successive variables affecting each other. Discussion and conclusion: The purpose of this study was to design a model for attracting and involving people in sports tourism, factors, challenges and strategies in Gilan province. One of the most important features of this study was the comprehensive approach to the procedures and perspectives of tourism, recreation and sports participation. Previous scientific reports and articles have mainly examined participation in sports tourism from a more limited angle and perspective. In addition, the results presented in this study, despite being  consistent with previous studies, but have a significant innovation in the theoretical structure of participation in sports tourism. Factors affecting sports tourism participation were classified into six perspectives: personal level, contextual level, organizational level, participation level, service level and outcome level. People with environmental background and demographic characteristics related to participation in sports under the influence of sports benefits and managerial interventions exposed to their mobility and leisure capabilities in the process of behavior will participate in sports depending on the severity of these factors. Management has a more intervening and motivating role than environmental, personal and service factors. The reason for this can be in the awareness of the management effect. Different people have different perceptions of environmental conditions, personal characteristics and services in relation to sports, and they are usually hidden processes. Therefore, the effects of management will be more conscious and will have clearer examples in society. These results show that beyond the quality of services, it is the type of intervention and the effectiveness of management that creates a higher level of sports participation in the community. According to the identified dimensions and considered perspective, it is possible to review the general and comprehensive analysis of the structure of sports tourism participation of the people of Guilan province. The framework presented in this research refers to important and necessary parts of people's participation in tourism and sports activities that are able to explain participation and present its functions.


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