Identifying and Ranking The Components of Sports Business Development In Golestan Province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Bandargaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandargaz, Iran.



The purpose of this study was to identify and rank the components of sports business development in Golestan province. The issue of interest for this study, sports business development, is understood as an emerging and constantly evolving area of the business and management world..Because of this, analyzing the sports environment through entrepreneurial processes is useful in improving the well-being and performance of sports companies, as well in increasing their economic production. The most challenging face of sports entrepreneurship is the need to progress at the same pace as the industry. In this regard, sports entrepreneurship in Iran has not yet been able to identify the motivations and needs of entrepreneurs. The aim of this study was factor analysis of components of sports business development in Golestan province. The research method was descriptive-analytical. The statistical population consisted of all sports business owners, sport managers and physical education professors in Golestan province (N = 1200) and the sample size of the study was (n = 297) that selected with Quota Sampling. A researcher-made questionnaire with 28 items and 4 components in the areas of specialty (6 items), environmental (6 items), commercial (7 items) and management (9 items) was used for data collection. Also, confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the construct validity of the questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 8 professors. To measure the reliability, questionnaires were distributed among 30 people in the research sample and the results were in SPSS 1 software. The combined method was recorded and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the questionnaire α = 0.76 was obtained, which is acceptable. To analyze the data analysis in the qualitative stage of the research, the qualitative content analysis method was used, the text of the interviews was implemented and their key points, which were in line with the objectives of the research, were coded. Finally, the components of sports business development were identified and approved by a group of experts. In the quantitative stage of the research, after compiling the desired indicators in the qualitative stage, compiling, distributing and collecting questionnaires, descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, percentage and frequency) and inferential statistics (exploratory factor analysis) were used to analyze the obtained data. All analyzes were performed using SPSS statistical software. Version 21 and LISREL version 8.5 were performed. According to the findings of the descriptive part of the research, among the statistical sample in the qualitative part, 7 persons were university professors, 4 persons were sports administrators and 6 persons were sports experts. Also, among the statistical samples of the quantitative research section, 137 persons were sports club managers, 24 persons were pool managers, 19 persons were sports product manufacturers, 74 persons were sports shop managers and 43 persons were football school managers. According to the research findings, four different factors including specializedty, environmental, managerial and commercial factors were effective on the development of sports businesses in Golestan province that should be considered. The results of the present study with the research findings of Javanmaed & Farzan (2021), Al Mamun (2018), Viliamos & Tzeremes (2012), Ghorbani & Vahdani (2016), Azimzadeh et al. (2014), was consistent. Based on the results in this section, it can be acknowledged that one of the main and important factors in the development of sports businesses is the factors related to the expertise of the entrepreneur. And the entrepreneur in order to succeed in developing his business must have different expertise and capabilities. For example; Ability and mastery in information and communication technologies, ability, experience and expertise in relation to national and international sports organizations, ability, experience and theoretical and practical management expertise Sports, Ability and experience in holding sporting events, volunteering activities, internships and internships in sports organizations can play a key role in the process of creating and developing sports businesses and therefore it is very important to pay attention to these factors. Findings showed that environmental factors were effective in the development of sports businesses. In other words, the research samples mentioned environmental factors as one of the important factors for the creation and development of businesses. The research findings showed that the managerial factor has a significant effect on the development of the business model. This finding is consistent with the findings of Dastoom & savadi (2017), Carlos et al. (2016), Vivianna (2017), was consistent. Factors such as ability and mastery in goal setting, planning and path selection in sports business, ability and mastery in working with people in sports business, ability and mastery in resolving conflicts in sports business, ability and mastery in decision making sports business issues, ability and mastery in monitoring, evaluation and control of sports business affairs, ability and mastery in leadership, guidance and coordination of sports business affairs, ability and mastery in negotiation, bargaining, bargaining, holding Meetings and time management in sports business, ability and mastery in organizing and allocating sports business resources, ability and mastery in perceiving and analyzing sports business issues have an effective role in management. Findings showed that the commercial factor has a significant effect on the development of sports businesses in Golestan province. In the field of business, the main goal is to increase customer and organizational satisfaction, as well as increase the interests of both parties and improve efficiency in marketing, sales and service and support structures. According to the research findings, managers and relevant stakeholders in the province can use the factors identified in the present study to develop sports businesses whose role in the development of such businesses was confirmed in order to improve the employment situation and reduce unemployment in the province. And by holding training workshops for students and graduates of the field of physical education of athletes, coaches and members of sports teams as well as owners of sports businesses in the province and familiarize them with various factors affecting this area and appropriate planning at management levels and reduce problems and Existing restrictions provide suitable conditions for the development of sports businesses in the province.


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