The Effect of the Mental Image of the Country of Origin of the Brand on the Formation of Brand Equity Resulting in Brand Trust in the Sports Industry (Case Study: Shiraz)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student of the Department of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Sport management, Faculty of Literature & Humanities. Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

3 PhD in Sports Management, Department of Sports Science, Islamic Azad University, Shahroud Branch, Shahroud, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the mental image of the country of origin of the brand on the formation of brand equity resulting in brand trust in the sports industry as a case study in Shiraz. The method in the present study is due to the application of the results in solving common problems, in terms of practical purpose, due to partial description of the situation and calculation of community parameters (age, education, gender, etc.), in terms of descriptive-inferential method and modeling-based Structural equations and analysis is a factor that is used for data collection, first from library studies and then for the use of questionnaires of survey type and in terms of time. The statistical population used in this study was all those who used brands of sports products in Shiraz and due to the unlimited statistical population and using the Cochran unlimited sample size formula and with a 5% error, 384 people were targeted by sampling method. The questionnaire was distributed and collected in person in some sports stores in different parts of Shiraz. The Moradi Lalekaei & et al (2016) questionnaire was used, which includes 29 questions in two sections: general and specific questions. To answer the questions, the Likert scale was used, which includes 5 values. In this spectrum, there is the lowest score that is completely opposite (one) and the highest score is completely agreed (five). This questionnaire measures the image of the country of origin of the brand (5 questions), brand association (awareness) (3 questions), brand loyalty (3 questions), brand differentiation (4 questions), brand trust (3 questions) and brand equity (4 questions) Has. In the discussion of determining the validity of the content, the questionnaire was heard and commented by 5 professors and experts in the field of sports management, and after consulting and applying their opinion, the questionnaires were approved for distribution. Cronbach's alpha method was used to determine the reliability and a small number of questionnaires (30 people) were distributed for the preliminary study. Based on the data obtained from them, the Cronbach's alpha level of the questionnaire was higher than 0.8, which indicates the reliability of the questionnaire. It has a high. In this study, at the level of descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and elongation to classify and describe data and at the level of inferential statistics from Pearson correlation coefficient tests and structural equation modeling and factor analysis to test research hypotheses and determine the amount and strength of dependent independent variables. Using Spss and Smart-PLS software. Based on the research findings, it can be said that the image of the country of origin has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand differentiation and brand equity in the sports industry. Also, it can be said that brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on brand equity but does not have a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty in the sports industry. Also, it can be said that brand loyalty has a positive and significant effect on brand equity and brand differentiation in the sports industry. Also, it can be said that brand differentiation does not have a positive and significant effect on brand equity in the sports industry. It can also be said that brand equity has a positive and significant effect on brand trust in the sports industry. On the other hand, according to the path coefficients, it can be said that the image of the country of origin, among the dimensions of brand equity, ie brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand differentiation, has the greatest impact on brand awareness. Also, it can be said that the special value of the brand among its dimensions, ie brand awareness and brand loyalty and brand differentiation, has received the most impact from brand loyalty. Findings from factor analysis showed that the mental image of the country of origin has a positive and significant effect on the dimensions of brand equity (awareness, loyalty and differentiation) and brand equity and has the greatest impact on brand awareness. Since the relationship between the dual dimensions of brand equity (awareness and loyalty) and brand equity is positive and significant, it can be argued that the higher the brand loyalty and brand awareness, the higher the value. The brand name is created for them; In other words, it can be said that brand names with high loyalty have a high special value of brand name. The results show that brand loyalty and brand association have a direct impact on brand equity. On the other hand, no direct relationship was found between the perceived quality of the brand and the brand equity. Among the factors that have a direct effect on brand equity, brand loyalty has the most impact and brand awareness is next, which brand loyalty is a key structure in describing brand equity. On the other hand, the effect of brand differentiation with brand equity was not reported to be positive and significant. Other research findings include the positive and significant effect of brand equity on brand trust. According to the research results, manufacturers of sports products are advised to be careful in choosing a foreign or domestic business partner. Also, due to the importance of the image of the country of origin, exporters should pay attention to the role of loyalty of the destination countries in the continuous purchase of Iranian sports goods and the recognition of Iranian sports brands. On the other hand, manufacturers and resellers to increase customer loyalty must establish a long-term relationship with customers and by unique products, credibility, innovation and high technology of their products can differentiate their product from other competitors by brand differentiation and Attract more customers through differentiation. Finally, manufacturers and marketers to produce the product pay attention to the expectations of target market customers to enhance their brand value in the minds of consumers so that ultimately brand equity results in brand trust.


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