Designing advertising patterns through social media, in order to influence the desire of customers of sports products

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran,

2 Faculty member of sport management group of Payame Noor University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


Considering the importance of advertising through social media, which is one of the most basic elements of sports marketing, in order to influence the desire of customers of sports products, and sports marketers and manufacturers use it in the virtual space to introduce their products and services. and due to the lack of studies and research done in relation to the topic in question and the absence of a comprehensive theoretical framework that would explain the topic, and also due to the novelty of the research topic that has received less attention so far Such studies in this field as structural fields seem necessary to reach a strategy and related plans. As a result of this research, it has been compiled with the aim of designing an advertising model through social media in order to influence the desire of customers of sports products.
the method of this research, On the basis of the goal, Strategic, based on strategy, Combination And based on the path of execution, the data theory was based on the foundation. The statistical population in the qualitative section were all sports media management specialists, advertising and sports marketers That's how it works purposive sampling of a landowner, elected and the number 15 A personal interview Semi - structured Done. And in the little bit of the population, the athletes have six Sports field football, futsal, cycling, martial arts, Swimming, bodybuilding ages 15-55, living in It was the city of Kermanshah where 311 people were selected based on simple random sampling. The data collection tool in the qualitative section was a semi-structured interview and in the quantitative section was a researcher-made questionnaire derived from the qualitative data. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was assessed by 10 professors and sports experts, and the reliability of the instrument was obtained by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and reliability coefficient (more than 0.7). In order to analyze the data in the qualitative part, open, axial and selective coding and in the quantitative part, the structural equation model using the partial least squares (PLS) method has been used.
116 basic conceptual propositions with 15 categories, and 70 concepts in the form of 6 dimensions of paradigm model, including causal conditions (social media potential and customer orientation), main phenomenon (advertising through social media), strategy (customer acquisition and retention) , Contextual characteristics (performance improvement and development of advertising effectiveness); Intervention conditions (internal and external constraints) and consequences (development and economic beliefs). Social media facilitates the communication of customers with each other and with the company, and the information of sports products will be available to customers in a faster, more comprehensive and transparent manner, and also they can make their evaluation more quickly by checking the information and finally decide to buy or not to buy. Also, customer retention is the financial necessity of any organization that provides its services in cyberspace, because a customer can go to other organizations that provide goods and services with just one click, so customer retention is very important. Based on this, it can be said that one of the factors that lead to the development of advertising through social media is paying attention to the use of the customer's point of view, better communication with the customer, creating two-way communication and the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with customers which needs more attention.
In this research, an attempt was made to design and develop an advertisement development model through social media using the foundational data theory method. Based on this, the final model of the research, consisting of 7 main categories (potential of social media, customer orientation, internal and external limitations, development of advertising through social media, improvement of performance and development of advertising effectiveness, customer attraction and retention, development and social beliefs economic), was identified in the form of 15 concepts. In this model, the development of advertising through social media was chosen as the main category, or the central phenomenon, which is a dependent variable influenced by various conditions, such as the effectiveness of social media, accessibility and customer orientation, individual factors, environmental factors. , culturalization, limitations of use and limitation of use. The results are consistent with Kim and Ko (2012) and Goody et al. (2016). Based on this, it can be said that, considering the speed of social media's influence on people and the possibility of changing their opinion regarding the customer's willingness to buy or not to buy a brand, these media become an information center for marketing, seeking to understand consumer buying behavior and Gaining an understanding of why customers hold certain brands is becoming. In explaining the results of the research, it can be said that, today, social media is a strategic and important tool for the development of brands. In this environment, there is extensive communication, and interaction with members and consumers at a small cost, to introduce and advertise goods and products. Social media offers companies, especially sports manufacturing companies, and customer’s new ways to communicate with each other. So that marketing activities in social media have created relationships with loyal customers, and have an effect on people's personal understanding of the company's products. Which can have a positive effect to improve the role of the product brand, the company through social media pages, with more attractive advertising on the views and opinions of customers of its products. The importance of advertising development through social media as a central category as well as the category of improving the performance and effectiveness of advertising and attracting and retaining customers as an important and practical factor were other important features of this model.


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