The effect of economic factors on government and household sports expenses in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in sports management, Shomal University, Amol, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Iran University of Art. Tehran, Iran.

3 Ph.D. in Sport Management, Razi University,, Kermanshah, Iran

4 Assistant professor, Roudsar and Amlash Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudsar, Iran.



This study aimed to investigate the impact of economic factors on government and household sports expenditures. In this study, using the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model, Impulse Response Functions (IRF), Variance Decomposition (VD), and the cointegration test, short- and long-term relationships among the variables were examined. By employing existing theories in this field, the relationship between economic factors and sports expenditures of the government and households during 1984–2021 was analyzed. The variables used in this study include Gross Domestic Product (GDP), liquidity volume, exchange rate, interest rate, trade balance, dollar rate, tax income, imports of sports goods, and household exports of sports goods. EViews version 12 software was used for data analysis.

According to the findings, among the identified economic factors, Gross Domestic Product significantly affects government sports expenditures, while Gross Domestic Product, inflation rate, and interest rate have a significant impact on household sports expenditures. Finally, based on the results, it is recommended that the government increase funding and collaborate with companies and financial supporters to enhance the financial support for athletes. This includes determining appropriate salaries and wages for professional athletes, covering educational and equipment expenses, and providing support for travel and competition. This initiative can reduce household expenses for supporting athletes and facilitate their continuation of professional sports activities.


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