Implementation of blue ocean strategy in gymnastics clubs

Document Type : Original Article


1 , Faculty of Sport Sciences, Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Management, International Campus of Urmia University, Iran

2 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Management,Urmia University ,Iran

3 Professor of Sport Managment, University of Mohagheghe Ardebili, Ardebil. Iran.



According to the new attitude in the management of gymnastics clubs, in the present research, an attempt has been made to design the implementation model of the blue ocean strategy in gymnastics clubs. This research was a qualitative study. The participants in the research were university experts who, according to the nature of the research, were conducted with 10 people in a snowball manner with semi-structured interviews until theoretical saturation was reached. In order to ensure the reliability and validity of the research, intra-subject agreement and expert opinions were used and their opinions were revised. To form the theory, Strauss and Corbin's method was used in the form of three stages of open, central and selective coding, and by using blue ocean strategy implementation tools such as the strategy canvas, the four action framework, etc., in order to present the ocean strategy implementation model. 179 The final concept was designed in the form of the foundation's data theory conceptual model consisting of the central category, causal conditions, contextual factors, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences. Also, a 5-step model for implementing the blue ocean strategy in gymnastics clubs was presented, and finally, this model was combined with the conceptual model of the foundation's data theory and the final model was obtained. In order to identify the right path to move towards the blue ocean, strategies of creation, increase, decrease and elimination were used, and finally, the implementation of the strategy resulted in the results of the research.


Main Subjects